Eu amo o Jonathan!! É meu astrólogo mais
amado, e parece que ele me conhece cada
vez que leio meu horóscopo!!! E dessa vez eu
tava quase percebendo que estava excedendo
por procurar coisas erradas numa situação que
está para lá de sossegada. Olha só:
You have something to be very proud of.
You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Why then, are you worried? Are you missing a trick
or, as seems more likely, are you playing a subtle
trick on yourself? Virgos are famous for their tendency
to feel more comfortable in tense situations than in
positive ones. Could this same trait now be causing
you to make a mountain out of a molehill? If there's
something useful or constructive you can do, do it.
If there isn't, maybe that's just because nothing actually
NEEDS to be done.
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